April 2024



Some people around the world practice body modifications that will put punks to shame. Even though many of these rituals seem extremely painful to us, they carry a strong meaning in some countries.

1. Facial scarification

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Men of the Dinka tribe in South Sudan scar their faces with three lines across the forehead. It is a sign of courage. This practice marks the transition to manhood.



2. Body scarification



Sepik River tribes in Papua, New Guinea practice scarification as part of an initiation ceremony for men. The elders use razor blades to cut the young men in a pattern that looks like the rough skin of an alligator.



3. Wooden Plugs



The Apatani tribe resides in the Ziro valley in Arunachal Pradesh, India. Apatani women were amongst the most beautiful. They were so beautiful that they made themselves look unattractive as protection from invaders from other tribes. Apatani women consequently started wearing large wooden plugs in their noses.



4. Lip Elongation



The Mursi is a nomadic tribe living in the border between Ethiopia and Sudan. Mursi women are famous for wearing large plates in their lower lips. This practice is a sign of endurance and maturity, and it is therefore admired within the community.



5. “Wodden Ears”



The Rikbaktsa live in the Amazon rain forest of Brazil.  In this community, the men wear wooden disks in their elongated earlobes. They have their ears pierced during a ritual celebration at the age of 14. This rite marks a young man’s transition into adulthood and eligibility for marriage.



6. “Long necks”



The Kayan live in Myanmar. Most Kayan women wear brass coils around their necks. The brass coils are placed around young girls’ necks when they reach five years old. As time passes, each coil is replaced with a longer one.



7. Teeth Sharpening



Teeth sharpening is a form of body modification that some South Asian women have undergone. It is practiced by the Bagobo women of Mindanao in the Philippines.



8. Gum Tattooing



Fulani women tattoo their lower lip and gum with a pigment of charcoal mixed with shea butter. This event marks puberty.



9. Amputation


In Dani, New Papua, finger amputation is a form of mourning. Tribesmen cut off their fingers in order to display their grief at funerals. Fingers are cut by close family members such as the mother, the father, or siblings.

sources : vanishing tattoo, oddee, binscorner,asiastrangenews



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