China’s economy is growing, and local residents are eyeing every and any opportunity to make money. The recent trend consists in purchasing live animals sealed in tiny small plastic bags. As shocking as this can be, people attach these keychains on their bags and use them as good luck charms.
You can purchase these plastic bags for about $1.5 a piece. Vendors usually sell them outside train and metro stations.
Each keychain supposedly contains crystallized oxygen, and sufficient nutrients to keep the animal alive.
The keychains’ plastic bags enclose soft shell turtles, fish, and amphibians.
It’s hard to believe that these animals could live comfortably in this environment…
According to some vendors, the animals can only survive in these bags for a few days. After they consume all the oxygen and the nutrients, they suffocate and die.
Animal rights groups in China condemned this “cruelty”
And yet it didn’t stop sales from soaring. The product usually appeals to younger crowds.