April 2024



You may think that coconut oil is just another by-product of the fruit. But the naturally-derived oil is incredibly versatile. It has been used for centuries and provides a multitude of health benefits. The oil and can be used to boost your immune system, moisturize your skin, provide protein to your hair and add flavor to your favorite dishes. Here are 10 reasons why you should all have a jar of coconut oil in your house.

1. High heat cooking


Coconut oil can be used in place of vegetable oil in any recipe. Unlike other cooking oils, it contains a unique composition of fatty acids which make the oil resistant to oxidation at high heats. It is perfect for high-heat cooking techniques such as frying.



2. Deep conditioning


You do not need any expensive hair products to get healthy hair. You can just take a dab of coconut oil, massage it into your hair, and comb it through. Leave it in anywhere from half an hour to overnight. It’s 100% natural, therefore, it’s free of silicone, alcohols, and other chemicals.



3. Shaving cream


Do you want soft skin after shaving? Use coconut oil instead of store-bought shaving cream. Your skin will be silky smooth. The oil will help soothe irritated skin irritated. Last but not least, you will save tons of money.



4. In your coffee


Consuming coconut oil has many health benefits, including stronger immunity, blood-sugar control, and improved use of insulin. There are plenty of creative ways to incorporate it into your diet, such as mixing a spoonful into your coffee.



5. Moisturizer


Coconut oil makes a great moisturizer. You can use it on your face after washing it or on your body after a shower as it will help you get rid of dead skin. It also makes a great moisturizer after a bad sunburn and can be used for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy.



6. Homemade lip balm


Coconut oil also helps moisturize your lips. You can choose to use it on its own, or mix it with a few other ingredients like beeswax and almond oil. Using coconut oil as a lip balm can be a cheaper and natural alternative to applying chapstick.



7. Makeup remover


Removing your makeup is crucial for healthy skin. Some removal products can be too harsh for sensitive skin or can leave a gross residue on your face. Coconut oil can be used to take off your makeup and it works for waterproof mascara too!



8. Sugar scrub


A sugar scrub helps smooth out dry skin and exfoliate. Coconut oil is used in many DIY sugar scrub recipes, along with cane sugar, kosher salt, vanilla extract, almond extract, and vitamin E oil.



9. Oil pulling


Oil pulling is an ancient dental technique. It consists in taking a tablespoon of oil, swishing it around in your mouth for 10 to 20 minutes, and then spitting it out (in a trash can and not a sink, it can clog your pipes). Some people believe that this draws out toxins from your body. While there is no concrete evidence to support that theory, it is shown that coconut oil improves dental health and makes a good, natural mouthwash.



10. Homemade deodorant


For a natural deodorant free of harsh chemicals, mix coconut oil with a few other ingredients: arrowroot powder, baking soda, and cornstarch.

SEE ALSO: 3 Recipes For Amazing Homemade Face Masks.

