Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer once said, “Surprise is key in all art”. Some architects took the concept of a surprise to another level and designed really lame structures. You will be the judge.
1. You have to bend down to hold on to the railing
2. You are going to need serious skills to get through this slope
3. You have to choose between using the projector, and getting fresh air.
4. How are you supposed to park your car here?
5. This is a punishment more than anything else
6. Have you noticed something odd here?
7. The first flying car is parked in this garage
8. The toilet will never breakdown. No need to leave room on the top.
9. Stairs that take you…nowhere
10. Promoting an open door policy
11. In case of an emergency…RUN!
12. The landing might hurt
13. We are not sure what is worse here: the problem or the “solution”?
14. Here’s an ATM for Shaq
15. And one for Kevin Hart
For those who need context: Shaq standing next to Kevin Hart.