Sometimes you want to fix something but you are either missing the tools, or the knowledge to solve the issue. Your intuition pushes you to try some of the most dangerous things. You think you are smart, or invincible, yet your actions display the complete opposite. Remember, there might be someone with a camera witnessing your genius. Please never try this.
1. This is not the brightest idea
2. 3 ladders and a pair of strong arms
3. Electricity, bare feet in a high altitude. What a combination!
4. When there is no ladder…call your friends!
5. What is he doing there?
6. What an ingenious idea!
7. The flip must have been spectacular. And the chair must be super sturdy.
8. Will he fall with three men holding the ladder?
9. This is solid!
10. If the bar moves, the mini truck falls.
11. This is what we call teamwork
12. Not the safest stand to lean on
13. Water plus electricity…what a great mix.
14. There is always room in the trunk
15. Cover your faces, it’s about to blow up!
16. Hanging on a tight rope
17. If the second ladder doesn’t hold, someone is there to catch him
18. He can use the flammable gas to light his cigarette up
19. Here’s a guy who obviously prefers looks to safety
20. Cool spot to sit back and relax
21. Ready, set, go
22. Not sure how this is supposed to work
23. Watch out buddy
24. This is what we call having balls
25. You have to admit, this man got skills