April 2024

California bride, Alexandra Price, knew her dad was too sick to make it to her wedding. Her father, Andre Pearson, was battling both heart and kidney failure. The doctors informed him that he was unable to get a heart transplant, and gave him about a year to live. Pearson was fighting for his life, but nothing would stop him from giving his daughter away.

An Unwavering Father

Pearson’s condition improved after surgery, but the doctors told him he was not well enough to travel for the wedding. Luckily, a few days later, Pearson’s doctors reevaluated his condition and authorized him to fly.


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A Wonderful Surprise

Pearson’s plan worked out. He was able to surprise his daughter the night before the ceremony. He told her that he could walk her down the aisle after all, and the look on her face was priceless.


A Perfect Day

Alexandra was thrilled that her father showed up. “It was amazing since he wasn’t supposed to be here, she said. “It was just amazing to have him, sickness and all, here and it just made me feel really happy and whole and complete.”

Pearson’s doctors are optimistic that he will qualify for a heart transplant. He will hopefully be able to go home within the next few months.


You can watch the special moment in the video below:

SEE ALSO: These Newlyweds Are Celebrating Their Marriage In The Most Awesome Way Ever.