There was an unofficial contest called the Woman on 20s campaign, which sought to...
Yasmin Sara
France has been enforcing laws against “religious garb” to force a more secular society....
[onepage] [gallerypage] Whenever people describe their dream vacations, they often cite Paris, France and...
Being on a budget, does not necessarily mean eating tasteless food. You can make...
[onepage] [gallerypage] What is the definition of beauty? It differs across the world. But...
[onepage] [gallerypage] The rules of personal hygiene have constantly been changing. Not long ago,...
[onepage] [gallerypage] It is hard to know what kind of first impression we make....
Just when you think you have seen it all, Mother Nature throws something crazy...
Joey Granados was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome when he was seven years old. Asperger’s...
[onepage] [gallerypage] All the celebrities and beauty bloggers are raving about contouring. It seems...