April 2024



The rules of personal hygiene have constantly been changing. Not long ago, many cultures did not bathe nor wash their hands. Now we like to think that we know better. The truth is, we still do a lot of things wrong.

1. Shaving makes your hair grow back darker and thickerShort-Hairstyles

This is a myth! And it is one of the longest spread myths: mothers often say this to their daughters to keep them from shaving too early. Shaving does not change the color or thickness of your hair. People may think that this happens because shaving cuts the tip of the hair bluntly. So when it grows back, it may feel thicker or look darker.



2. Flushing with the lid open launches germs in the airfba6b7cb6eda3404630f0c400a87caa1

This is a fact! It was tested on the popular TV show Mythbusters. They found that flushing a toilet with the lid open launches fecal bacteria up into the air. To make matters worse,  the germs can spread all the way to your toothbrush. Make sure you flush with the lid closed!



3. Tanning can help reduce acne80a488526573f47e45d422f93e88f132

This is a myth! Tanning may reduce the appearance of acne at first, but in reality you are only irritating the blemish further. Tanning will dry the skin and make it worse. There are other problems associated with tanning such as the risk of contracting skin cancer.



4. Using hand dryers spreads germsMachine_to_dry_hands_in_Costco

This is a fact! Hand dryers take too long to dry your hands, and most people give up before their hands are fully clean. Plus, the nozzles of hand dryers are rarely cleaned properly. The newest research finds that paper towels are more sanitary.



5. Using a hand sanitizer is the best way to kill germsff0ceb31c588955937f981ea0f1e4e69

This is a myth! Using a hand sanitizer is not that much better than using soap and water. There are also concerns that overusing hand sanitizers will cause germs to become resistant to them. So it is alright to use those sanitizers sometimes, but do not replace washing your hands.



6. Sneezing without covering your mouth can infect everyone around you


This is a fact! An uncovered sneeze propels germs throughout the room. Make sure you cover your mouth and wash your hands afterwards.



7. Using public bathrooms will give you a horrible disease52d722ea353f15e6bcb4d4612f80d9b4

This is a myth! There are germs everywhere, but the chances of getting an infection from using a public bathroom are very low. As long as you wash your hands properly after, there is no need to worry.



8. Sharing drinks is dangerousYoung_Love_at_the_Malt_Shop

This is a fact! Sharing drinks can cause a salivary spread of germs and viruses. You can catch strep throat or a cold.



9. Washing your hair every single day will give you shiny and healthy hair


This is a myth! Shampoos strip natural oils from your hair, which leads to damage. You only need to wash your hair every few days.



10. Cleaning your hair won’t prevent you from catching lice4900867458_70e5ee5324_o

This is a fact! Lice can infect anyone. Lice are spread by sharing personal items like hairbrushes, hats, or clothes. It does not matter if your hair is clean or dirty, long or short – lice can still find you. But this does not mean you should keep your hair dirty.



11. Applying the five second will keep you safefive_second_wide-7e64de8e593b2349a9b8fe5ea5bad711f71e1f55-s40-c85

This is a myth! If you drop food on the floor, it is not okay to eat it if you pick it up within five seconds. Germs do not waste any time infecting something. If you drop something, germs are covering it within milliseconds. It does not matter how delicious the food is. If it falls then throw it away.

SEE ALSO: 10 Weight Loss Stories You Must Know to Maintain Your Health.



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