April 2024



Just because the label says it is healthy, does not mean that it really is. Companies will often try to pass off junk food as healthy snacks. You think that you are being healthy when in reality you are doing damage to your body. Do not fall for the tricks! Avoid all of these so-called healthy foods.

1. Fruit juices


People often think that fruit juice is the best thing to drink. It comes from fruit, how can it not be healthy? Indeed, it is better to drink fruit juice than soda, but not by much. In reality, most of the fruit juices you find in the store do not have that much fruit in it. They really just have fruit flavored chemicals and sugar. A lot of sugar. You might as well be drinking liquid sugar. One of the best things about fruit is the fiber it has. The juice takes all of that good stuff out. Just eat the fruit if you want to get the health benefits.



2. Low carb snacksLfBmJFV

You want to keep eating your Oreos and Cheetos while being healthy… What is the solution? Get the low carb snack foods. It is a win-win, right? Wrong! Just because the carbs are low does not mean it is healthy. These low carb snacks are even worse than the regular junk food. They are loaded with chemicals and refined ingredients. They are not really food, and they do not nourish your body.



3. Granola bars


Often thought of as the ultimate healthy snack, these granola bars are basically candy bars. They have tons of artificial ingredients and sugars. In addition, there are high levels of sodium, and saturated fat in them. These foods often contain too many calories and, since they are not satisfying enough, people tend to eat several of them at once.



4. Frozen yogurt


Frozen yogurt is marketed as a healthy alternative to ice cream. People say that it tastes like ice cream, but it is good for you because it is yogurt. Does it sound too good to be true? It is too good to be true. Frozen yogurt is just as sugary and unhealthy as ice cream is. And, since it is less satisfying, people tend to eat more of it. If you are craving ice cream but want to watch your health, then just reduce the portion. You will be more satisfied with a little bit of ice cream than with a lot of frozen yogurt.



5. Margarine


Some believe that butter is the root of all evil. They use margarine as a supposedly healthy substitute. Health experts used to encourage people to use margarine over butter, but not anymore. Studies have shown that substituting butter with margarine raises your risk for heart disease. Margarine is not real food. It is a mixture of chemicals and vegetable oils that is loaded with trans-fat, which is the worst fat you can ever eat.

SEE ALSO: 5 Dangerous Foods You Eat Every Day. Did You Know How Toxic They Were?



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