April 2024



Around the world, superstitions are nearly as old as time itself. They’re such a part of how people are raised and how societies are formed that massive events happen around them! They are not only old, but also incredibly strange. These superstitions might not make sense to us, but to others they are as drastic as life or death!

1. Brazil


In Brazil it is considered unlucky to let your wallet, purse or bag hit the floor. This is apparently due to the belief that if your money falls on the floor it will disappear.



2. Turkey

chewing gum

Have a hot date? Well, you better not use, gum to freshen up your breath! In Turkey, the superstition goes that if you chew gum at night, you’re actually chewing on the flesh of the dead. Spooky!



3. Spain


In Spain, there is an old superstition about luck. The belief goes that on New Year’s Eve you should eat twelve grapes at midnight. Each grape will bring luck for the twelve months of the year. Bear in mind, you need to eat them as the clock strikes twelve!



4. China


In China, any number featuring a four is considered unlucky. This is because the Chinese pronunciation of four is very similar to the word for death. This is why the fourth floor is often skipped out in elevators!



5. Russia


In Russia, people are very positive about something most others despise: bird poop. If a bird poops on you, your car or your house you will be lucky and it’ll bring you riches. The more birds the better!



6. South Korea


In South Korea, there is an extremely firm belief that if you go to sleep in the same room as a fan that is left on, you will die. The belief is so intense that doctors give out warnings against using fans at night, and most fans now come with timer settings so that they can switch off at the appropriate times. It is said that the fans cause death by asphyxiation or hypothermia. So, not fans then?



7. India


Who knew milk was so important in a marriage? In India, there is a wedding game that consists of hiding a wedding ring in a jug of milk, and making the bride and groom look for it. Whoever of the two finds the ring first will dominate the relationship and be in charge.



8. South Africa


In South Africa, many local people have a belief about not wearing red during thunderstorms. Red is thought to draw lightning which will strike you dead. This also applies to mirrors. Many still believe that mirrors need to be covered during a thunderstorm so that the lightning won’t reflect off the mirror and hit someone inside the house.



9. Romania


Romania doesn’t play around when it comes to loving animals. An old superstition states that if you beat or physically harm an animal, your babies will come out hairier than anything you’ve ever seen. This is also a double-edged sword; if they see your hairy baby then they know exactly what you’ve been doing.

SEE ALSO: 10 Places You Must Visit Before It’s Too Late. 



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