It’s always difficult to keep on top of everything that is happening, whether it be school assignments, meetings or playdates. In fact, a study found that young people are now more forgetful than old people, with 15% of young people being tested not knowing what day it was in comparison with the 7% of old people. This is because we have more to remember, more to do and more responsibilities to keep track than our elders did 50 years ago. This is why you need these top websites to better organize your life!
1. Trello
Trello is an online, interactive memo-card system, made to be quick and very easy to use. Team members can edit, add or delete cards depending on projects that are added or completed. You can even post comments on other members’ cards, and stays in sync across all platforms with mobile apps in addition to the website. The service is completely free, and has the founder’s husky Trello as a mascot. What’s not to love?
2. HabitRPG
HabitRPG is the fun new way to sort out your daily tasks. It’s essentially a video game that turns work into a game with health and level-ups. Have you completed that report? Tick it off for added XP and cash rewards. Tasks turn into little monsters that need to be battled by completing them, and you can even join teams or compete with your friends!
3. Evernote
Evernote is one of the biggest note taking websites and apps in the world. It helps you make comprehensive notes, save things from all over the web, record voice notes and make presentations across all platforms. It is a professional-looking app, with a pretty layout and the world has noticed. In 2007, Evernote reached over a 100 million users worldwide, and continues to grow.
4. Rescue Time
Rescue Time is a virtual superhero that fights all kinds of procrastination. You can use the site to block certain pages or websites you want to avoid so you can finish your work, find out which websites you waste the most time on through a weekly update and save highlights of stuff you finished during the day. The layout is clean, subscription is free and it’s a huge time saver!
5. Remember The Milk
Remember The Milk is a cute app and website that will ensure you never forget the groceries, calling your mother or picking up your dry-cleaning ever again. With this website (or mobile app) you can get email reminders, manage any of your tasks, make lists and share your tasks from anywhere. The service is completely free and will make sure you move it.
6. Notability
Notability is a lot like Evernote’s younger sibling. You can take notes, record voice notes, and even draw. Notability allows you to choose between pen types and colours to draw, “handwrite” notes and highlight typed passages in several different colours, making studying or planning way easier to map out.
7. Picasa
Picasa is an awesome way to edit and share photos online with friends, co-workers and family members. It’s great for school and work projects as you can make collages, short movies and make timelines all with images. Subscription is free and it offers dozens of editing possibilities. Get rid of all that extra paper by uploading and sharing images!
8. Buffer
Are you so busy that you find it hard to connect on social media? Not a problem anymore with the Buffer app from Buffer.com. This app lets you stay in contact with all your loved ones, friends and followers by scheduling social posts days or weeks ahead.