April 2024



Whenever people describe their dream vacations, they often cite Paris, France and Rome, Italy as their destinations. Those cities are wonderful, but the world is a big place. There are so many beautiful and interesting countries that do not get the appreciation they deserve. Give one of these amazing places a chance.

1. Guam


Guam is the largest island of the Mariana Island, located in the western Pacific Ocean.  The island has a diverse and rich history. It was first populated by the indigenous Chamorro people 4,000 years ago. It was then controlled by Spain until it was surrendered to the US during the Spanish-American war. Japan temporarily held the island during World War II, but it was recaptured by the US in 1944. Since then, it has been a territory of the United States. Guam’s largest industry is tourism, but it mainly comes from Japan. If you visit this island, you can dive in the world’s deepest ocean located in the Marianas Trench, and climb one of the world’s tallest mountains: Mt. Lamlam. There is interesting wildlife, including the coconut crab (the largest land-living arthropod in the world) and the carabao (domestic water buffalo). There are also various historical sites, such as the shipwrecked German SMS Cormoran from WWI, and  the Japanese Tokai Maru from WWII as well. With all this to offer, Guam deserves to be a global destination.



2. Croatia


Croatia is located at the junction of Central Europe, Southeast Europe, and the Mediterranean. This country has been around since the 8th century. The climate is generally warm and rainy continental. It has over 1,000 islands, so if you love relaxing on the beach, or sailing, then this is your destination. Croatia is home to one of the most famous beaches in the world: the Zlatni Rat Beach, which has a long and unusually shaped golden pebble tip. There are eight national parks to explore, as well as a rich food scene.  You can also partake in outdoor sports like zip lining, hiking, and rafting. Croatia is a fantastic vacation spot for people who love outdoor activities.



3. Mozambique

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Mozambique is a southeast African country next to the Indian Ocean. It was first inhabited by Bantu-speaking people. It was then colonized by Portugal in 1505. Mozambique gained independence in 1975. Its official language is Portuguese. Swahili, Makhuwa, and Sena are also spoken. The cultures and languages of the country are incredibly diverse and interesting. The northern part of the country is a rugged terrain that is ideal for hiking. There is also a coastline that is perfect for anyone interested in snorkeling and scuba diving. The proximity to the coast allows for some amazing seafood.



4. The Philippines


The Philippines is located in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. The nation is composed of 7,107 different islands, which are practically heaven for anyone who loves the beach. The islands are split into three regions: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Ethnically, the country is mixed. The first inhabitants were the Negritos, followed by the Austronesian people. Spanish colonization began in 1521 and the country remained a part of the Spanish Empire for more than 300 years. Then, the United States controlled the country until 1945. There is also a diverse range of flora and fauna, for the traveler who likes nature. If you do not care for the outdoors, there are huge shopping malls.

SEE ALSO: 10 Places You Must Visit Before It’s Too Late.



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