April 2024



You can photoshop an image, publish it and everyone will believe it is real. Conversely, there are photos that were never photoshopped, but people assume they were digitally edited. Whether they are optical illusions or representations of very unusual scenes, the following pictures are all real, yet many of you will question their authenticity. See for yourself.

1. Peek-a-boo I see you!


Billy Owen overcame a sinus cancer that ended up costing him his right eye.



2. What is that?

Komondor une sorte de chien Hongrois, - Imgur

This funny looking dog is called Bergamasco. You can find it in the Italian Alps, precisely around the Bergamasca valley.



3. When urgent surgery is necessary

Xiaolin a eu un accident au nez, les docteurs le lui ont replacé - Imgur

This 22-year-old man failed to get treatment immediately after a car accident and his nose cartilage corroded.



5. Flying goats?


In the southwest of Morocco, you will find goats climbing on trees. Goats there don’t climb on any tree, they are drawn to a fruit you can only find on the argan tree.



6. Defying gravity

Cette photo prise au parfait moemnt - Imgur

No, he can’t walk on water. It’s just a well-timed photo.

7. Skinny dipping anyone?

Un homme se fait pourchasser par un taureau en Espagne - Imgur

The bull is definitely going to get him.



8. More than an accident

Une voiture qui a terminé sa course dans un toit - Imgur

We have no idea how the car landed there, nor how it is going to be removed.

9. A sinkhole

Un trou causé par un effondrement de terrain au Guatemala, 2010 - Imgur

This sinkhole was found in Guatemala City in 2010. It was 18 meters wide, and 60 meters deep.



10. Man or bear?

Yu Zhenhuan, l'homme le plus poilu du monde - Imgur

Yu Zhenhuan is a Chinese man whose body hair covers around 96% of his body.

11. A disaster

Une baleine morte sur une plage - Imgur

This dead whale was found on the beach.



12. A mobile machine

Le Bagger 288 est le plus gros excavateur au monde - Imgur

This is world’s largest excavator. It can dig a hole as large as a football field in a single day.

13. An unavoidable accident

Une baleine détruit un bateau près de la côte Mexicaine - Imgur

Believe it or not, the whale landed on the boat and there was one fatality.



14. Was he born like that?

Carlos Rodriguez, un homme avec le crâne enfoncé - Imgur

Some things look surprising don’t they?

15. From fiction to reality


He underwent surgery just to look like Red Skull from Captain America.



16. This is not photoshopped

Un Airbus A380 qui traverse une autoroute en Allemagne - Imgur

Yes, airplanes land on a bridge at the Leipzig Airport.

17. Batman!

Une chauve-souris qui semble venir d'une autre planète - Imgur

What a giant bat. Where’s Robin?



18. Who’s the designated driver again?

Un vrai pont en Norvège - Imgur

This stunning bridge is in Norway.

SEE ALSO: These 23 Pics Don’t Look Normal But Are Actually Unique.

