Some parents say that the first six weeks of having a child are the hardest. Babies wake up every 1 to 2 hours to eat, and the parents are on demand 24/7. As soon as those 6 weeks pass, you think the storm is over. What you don’t realize is that your kids will follow you for at least another thirty years. As they grow up, some will make some gaffes that will leave you speechless.
1. This is what happens when you leave stuff in the wrong hands
2. He should not be grounded. Strawberry ice cream is good for you.
3. What a mess!
4. Maybe the smile will get him out of trouble…if he manages to move.
5. Toothpaste overdose
6. Think twice next time the kids say they want to go skiing
7. Enjoying luxury at a young age
8. Some kids don’t like fish
9. If he were 10 years older, you would have called this “art”
10. A real pastry chef in the making
11. Time to buy new furniture
12. Practicing those computer science skills early
13. You can’t blame him…Doritos are so good.
14. The first selfie ever
15. Now you can’t blame him for that
16. Where do we start? First the kid played with fire, second he made a big mess.
17. No need to ask who did this
sources: dontforgetthecondom, imgur