Steve Jobs once said: “If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on”. As crazy as it can sound, the perfect relationship can be right under your nose. The following clues will help you reflect on your relationship and realize what you should be grateful about.
1. Your friends and family are supportive
Perspective allows you to see things differently and properly analyze problems. While you should never base the value of your relationship on other’s opinions, validation from your closed ones is a sign that you are with the right person.
2. Your fights are fair and constructive
Arguments can happen. When you and your partner share the common goal of resolving issues instead of starting a war, you will realize that you are in a healthy relationship.
3. You don’t hold grudges
Whenever you resolve an issue, the hatchet is buried and old resentments are forgotten.
4. You envision yourselves together, forever
You cannot envision a future without your partner, and vice versa. “We” now comes before “I”.
5. People want you be like you
People often ask you if your partner has a sibling, or a friend who is single. Together, you channel positive energy, and everyone wishes for a relationship similar to yours.
6. You tell each other the truth
Whether it hurts or not, you will always speak your mind with an intent to improve the state of your relationship.
7. You are more confident
Whenever your partner is around, you get this mysterious self-confidence boost.
8. You can both keep a secret
You partner trusts you enough to tell you anything, confident that you will keep a secret, and that you are not going to judge each other. This is a sign of respect.
9. You share the same ambition
You share a roadmap of personal and financial goals. You continually support each other to achieve those objectives.
10. Making love is the best
For some reason, you are not afraid to try new things in bed, and you love it.
11. You can talk about anything
You can engage in any debate without arguing. You will sometimes disagree, but always respect each other’s opinions.
12. You don’t feel pressured
You no longer feel pressured to impress your partner. He or she loves you as you are.