When your hair starts falling, it will most likely not grow back. Baldness is socially acceptable. Look around, you will notice that there are much more bald people that you could imagine. If you still feel embarrassed, follow these 10 tips.
1. Accept it
Being bald is not the end of the world.
2. Don’t panic
Hair loss is very common nowadays. Besides, you are only losing hair.
3. Act fast if you want to keep your hair
If your hair starts thinning (or your hairline starts receding), act fast because once it is gone, it’s gone forever.
4. Medical treatment works
Some treatments work. They require discipline. If you are wealthy, you can order hair implants too.
5. Talk to a professional
A professional can be a doctor, or your dad. Baldness is hereditary: your parents can tell you how they dealt with hair loss.
6. Start styling your hair
Some people hide it very well. Unless they have an “island”.
7. Be careful when you go to the barbershop
Make sure your barber knows all about your problem, and that he doesn’t make it worse by shaving the thin areas.
8. Don’t even think about a toupet
Trying to cover it up will make you look ridiculous. Just be yourself!
9. Embrace the new you
Balding takes a while getting used to, but it is not the end of the world. Embrace your baldness.
10. If push comes to shove, shave it off.
If you cannot handle it, go to the barbershop and take everything out. Bald men can be charming too.