April 2024


A study made by scientists at Stanford University revealed some disturbing news about the state of our planet. The researchers called for an urgent response for species conservation and wildlife protection, or else there will be dire consequences.

A mass extinction event

“[The study] shows without any significant doubt that we are now entering the sixth great mass extinction event,” a professor stated.  Extinction rates are at astronomical levels.  In fact, the last time extinction levels were this high was when the dinosaurs were wiped off the face of the earth over 60 million years ago.


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A scary future

A different study concluded that species are disappearing nearly 100 times faster than the normal rate between mass extinctions.  If this is not stopped, it is possible that mankind would be destroyed and it would take millions of years for life on Earth to recover.


Who is to blame?

As the human population keeps growing, natural habitats are destroyed and the wildlife are eradicated. Land is cleared for farming, logging and settlement. Furthermore, humans will often place invasive species in an area. This causes rising carbon emissions and ocean acidification. We are basically poisoning the ecosystems.


Is there any hope?

As humanity destroys ecosystems, we lose many benefits that we rely on. In order to avoid such a grim fate we must work to conserve endangered species and cut down on habitat loss. If we do not accomplish this, we could end up like the dinosaurs.


SEE ALSO: 19 Shocking Photos That Will Make You Stop And Think.