April 2024



We all love following celeb relationships. In fact, for some fans, celebrity gossip is more important than life itself. Some people believe that when you become famous, the pool of people you can date gets smaller. That’s why, some celeb relationships make us doubt everything that is true in the world. Maybe love is blind.

1. Madonna and Tupac


Yes, you did read that right. The queen of pop dated the renowned rapper Tupac Shakur before he was killed in 1996. In a television interview, Madonna admitted dating the rapper, she said that he became very riled up about community issues for African-Americans, and that he broadened her mind.



2. Simon Cowell and Carmen Electra20140730161221745646

It’s true, the former American Idol judge used to date the bubbly ex-Playboy model. They were once spotted enjoying a romantic meal in West-Hollywood. The relationship didn’t last long, but Electra only had flattering things to say about Cowell. “I think he’s awesome and very charming”, she said.



3. Benji Madden and Cameron Diazd5fb36fb632cbae83c609636c6e0cf51

We’re not sure what’s weirder: that these two dated or that they are married! The couple got married earlier this year, after only a year of dating. Despite their 7 year age gap, things seem to be going well. Recently, Madden got his wife’s name tattooed all over his collarbone and upper chest. We guess that love hurts.



4. Cher and Tom Cruise2785954b987084bd89c4d307e1fdc3cb

Not only is Cher taller than Tom cruise, but we’re pretty sure that her voice is deeper than his too. The famous stars dated briefly in the mid-1980’s despite Cher being 39 at the time, and Tom Cruise being only 23. It was reportedly a crazy fling. Cher has even rated Cruise as one of her top five lovers ever. TMI Cher, TMI.



5. Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Mansonc7f6529c7ea52fff8de0f43c147a122d

This goody two shoes sure fell hard for the bad boy. Wood started dating Manson in 2007, at the age of 20. Wood was even featured in one of the hardcore rocker’s music videos as well as in some of his paintings. They got engaged in 2010, but the engagement was later called off. We wonder if it was because he used her make-up?



6. Ashley Olsen and Lance Armstrong3653504055bd68eb601743f2b1c33b5e

Armstrong, the ill-famed athlete, and the young Olsen twin, who was fifteen years his junior, used to date. What?! The relationship was mostly kept private, although Armstrong admitted that he was pressured to break up with Ashley Olsen because she would be bad for his image and his cancer-awareness work. Obviously, Kate Hudson seemed like the safer bet.



7. Tyra Banks and Will Smithb85517a35b6291f7f7e9f0d733ed9c21

This was definitely a power couple deluxe. Before Smith got married to his current wife Jada Pinkett-Smith, he dated the famous model Tyra Banks. Both met on the set of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air where Banks had a minor role. The relationship lasted just over a year in the early 1990’s. Can you picture Will Smith married to someone other than Jada?

SEE ALSO: 8 Celebrities Who Openly Bleached Their Skin. What A Shame.



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